Unless a book is about sports or about pawn shops in salt lake city. I never pick up a book and read it word for word. Last night at about 10:00 p.m. UPS dropped off your book and I couldn't put it down. Three hours last night and four tonight I read every compelling word, thought and punctuation.
Your book brought a families tragedies, fears, joys and triumphs to life. I can count on two hands the number of times I have been brought to tears, but a book has never had that impact, until the last 24 hours!
I am truly amazed at your strength and unwavering faith.
- JayPennsylvania
Deirdre -
I have just finished reading your wonderful book. What a story! It is hard to believe all that Charlie had to endure at such a young age. I believe that all children are miracles from God, but, Charlie definitely has his own set of special angels that watch over him and keep him well! How blessed you are to have two handsome, healthy sons. Reading your book has truly given me a new sense of appreciation for my own three children. Thank you for sharing your story and I wish you and the boys a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
- MaryMassachusetts
What a phenomenal and incredible book! Thank you so much for sharing your story because it helped me have a better understanding of some of the things my brother and his wife went through when their son had cancer (he is fine now…stage 4 Hodgkin’s).
Yours and Charlie’s life are most definitely miracles and if I ever had a doubt about miracles, I’ll never have one again. Your book was so well written, so compelling, scary, happy, sad, joyous, discouraging, encouraging and so inspirational. I love the way you talk about your children, Charlie and Jay, and how sensitive you were to Jay during your hardest days.
I wish I were a little more eloquent with words, but I’ll just say again, thank you so much for sharing your beautiful story. May your and the boys’ life be peaceful.
- LynnMassachusetts
Hope, Faith and Charlie by Deirdre Carey is an amazing story. From page one I could not put this book down. It is a compelling story that will have you engaged from start to finish. The book chronicles the Capodanno family and their journey to save their son Charlie from a rare form of cancer. It is at times heart wrenching sad but ultimately very uplifting. The fight for Charlie will empower you to never give up -- to never underestimate the power of love and prayer. It will make you want to hug your child that much tighter. It will renew your faith in the goodness of family, friends and strangers. It will renew your faith in God and show you that miracles can and do happen. It is truly an inspirational story.
- TerryMassachusetts
I couldn’t wait to finish the book before I told you how unbelievable it is. It came in the mail yesterday and I have not been able to put it down!!! My husband is reading too-we have never read the same book ever!!!!
It is a masterpiece and I am only on page 40!! It will be my Christmas present to all. I know that your book will help so many families going thru similar situations. Thank you so much for sharing your story with the world.
-Donna RMassachusetts
One of those books where you laugh, cry, and end up really soar from sitting in the same position reading page after page because you can’t put it down!
-Donna WMassachusetts
I have learned from your book what is truly worth fighting for in life. I’ve also learned that I have wasted a lot of precious energy holding grudges, getting angry, and being cynical. Thank you for reminding me that I have a heart and that I need to start using it again.
I whispered "thank you God" tonight when I kissed my baby girl as I put her to bed. I haven’t said those words in many, many years.
God is Good!
Thank you for sharing your story and reminding us all there is good in this world. Sometimes all we hear about is the bad.
-Mary AliceRhode Island
Because of your book, I find myself often thinking of you and how strong you were/are and I really believe it helped me encourage my friend, who’s niece has a cancerous brain tumor, to be strong, supportive and to draw strength from her faith. I guess to make a long story short I wanted to let you know you have touched so may lives without even realizing it.
I just read your book this weekend. I can't even begin to fathom what you, Charlie, and your entire family had to go through. It broke my heart to see how much suffering Charlie endured at such a young age. Your strength and incredible faith are an inspiration to me, and in turn strengthens my faith as well.
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I'm sure it must have been hard to go through the entire experience again by writing this book.
I know you have and will continue to touch lives by choosing to share this tremendous journey of love and perseverance with others.
- BenThailand
I want you to know that I am thoroughly exhausted after staying up to midnight reading. My sink is full of dirty dishes and I have three baskets of unfolded laundry in my family room. Tom Brady even had to share my attention Sunday night. Your book is enthralling and I can't put it down!
- MelissaMassachusetts
Thank you for the gift, "Hope, Faith and Charlie." For it truly is a gift from within you to the world. When you were traveling through this journey of your miracle I feel like I was there. Your life has been surrounded by so many beautiful friends and a family who cares so much. Take care of yourself and your two young men.
- BobTexas